Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Candi gedong songo - ambarawa


Candi Gedhong Sanga or Gedong Songo is a group of Hindu temples. Gedhong means building and Sanga means nine. There are nine temples in the location. This temples lies on the slope of Mount Ungaran about 1,300 meter above the sea, precisely on Desa Candi, Kecamatan Ambarawa, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Higher place is ideally for Hindus to build a temple to pray. The temple was built on the 9th century; it is believed the Syailendra Dynasti built it. It was found by Rafles (a Dutch officer) on 1804.

It was most exotic temple on javas in exotic atmosphere. Youll never know how exotic this place before you come and see.

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Gereja Blenduk


Gereja Blenduk, is the eldest Christian Church in Central Java built by the Dutch community in 1753. It shows the Church architecture of the 18th century with its huge dome and a baroque organ inside the building. Nearby the Church, there are some buildings from the Dutch colonial time.
Built by the Dutch in 1753, its one of the many examples of Dutch colonial architecture dotting the historic city of Semarang, the heart and capital of Central Java. Located on Jalan Jenderal Suprapto, the church continues to minister to the city's Catholics from a floating pulpit with impressive carvings.

lawang sewu


The name Lawang sewu means Thousand Doors, but among the local Javanese the name conotates an eerie haunted house with a tragic history. This Dutch colonial building was built in 1863 by C. Citroen. It was the branch office for the Dutch Indonesian train company but when the Japanese invaded in 1942, they used it as a gruesome interrogation headquarter where they jailed and killed a lot of Indonesians. Long standing reports of multiple ghost sightings in this building has turned it into a local destination for young students & tourists who would make their visit on weekend nights to experience this legendary haunted house.